Make Sense Not Nonsense


The world is made up of all sorts of people. When the world falls apart, we should not fall apart. We cannot afford to be divided. We need to come together as a people. We need to vote for strong leaders who will serve the people and bring us together in global solidarity.

When there is chaos, we can get lost. We lose our way because everything is changing. We have to find a new path and figure out our way forward. What we should not lose is to be human. Be kind. For humankind.

In uncertain times, we will all have our own way of searching for the truth. We share our opinions on what we understand to be true. It is healthy for us to air our opinions if we do so respectfully. It is good that different points of views are shared. We should not lock down on our different viewpoints, instead be open to listening to each other to understand where each other is coming from. If we can put ourselves in someone else’s shoes, we may be better able to empathise rather than dismiss, even if we do not agree. Argument does not always lead to conflict. The art of argument can lead to understanding.

Not everyone will be able to meet us at the level we are at. They can only meet us at the level they are at. So we need to be mindful. We all have different needs, different reasons and different ways of doing things. Not everyone may have the same position of privilege we may have. Our circumstances are all different. We should reach other a helping hand instead of stop being so judgemental. We should all speak our truth in a way that isn’t shaming or judging anybody else. We should not be derisive and patronising. We should not be intolerant. We should share what we know in a way that help others make sense of things or see sense, not create more nonsense. Common sense and consideration for others based on the science and factual information we have will go a long way in making a situation better.

The Haves need to show more compassion and understanding and grace to bridge the gap with the Have Nots. Anyone in a position of privilege should wield that power for good and the benefit of those who do not have that advantage.

And if someone abuses their power and exploits their position for self serving agendas, then they do not deserve our respect. We should be allowed to be afraid of the danger such people pose to society. Fear in itself is not a bad thing. The value of fear is it helps us to survive and avoid dangerous situations. Making sound decisions can happen because we listen to what our fear is telling us. But fear does not mean we should lose heart or panic. Panic is over reacting because of fear, and letting fear drive your actions and losing reason. Let’s all not lose our heads and hearts.

Let’s all look out for one another. We just need to do our best with what we know. We help others know what we know, not judge them for what they do not know. We should not hold others to a higher standard than what we can achieve. We should all help each other grow. Once we all know better, we should all do better.


Happiness Is How You See It


Be Your Own Kind Of Beautiful