Happiness Is How You See It


Happiness is not something you find. It is not something someone else can do for you. Happiness is like peeing on yourself. Everyone can see it but only you can feel its warmth. Happiness is a feeling that happens as a result of the joy you create for yourself.

If you want to be happy, then stop finding reasons not to be happy. Stop creating melodrama. That just creates angst. That is the part that makes you believe you have justification for the unhappiness. That is what falsely gives you a right to be unhappy. That is what makes you think you have a right to make others unhappy too.

What if you choose your right to be happy instead? 

If you want to enjoy life’s experiences, look for reasons that will help you enjoy life’s experiences! It’s as simple as that. Of course, not easy to do, but as with most things in life, it will get easier with practise.

Does that mean you have to pretend you are happy if you don’t feel that way? Fake it til you make it? Not at all. In fact, you should do the opposite. Acknowledging those feelings of unhappiness and not dismissing them is important. Self awareness is important. Getting comfortable to face uncomfortable feelings is healthy for you. If it sucks, it sucks. Feel all the feels, then deal, and heal yourself. Use the bad feelings to reflect on what is wrong. Ask yourself what do those feelings say to you? Your emotional red flags are your body’s way of telling you what is wrong. Use this time you feel unsettled to figure out the root cause of the problem and work on solutions that will work for you. What are you going to do on your part, what is within your control, to make it better for yourself? What are your short term needs and your long term goals? After that, in spite of everything or even because of those challenges, move forward by choosing to find the joys in your life. 

Why? It is your life. You are going to have to live it. No one else can do it for you. So you may as well make it fun. Make it enjoyable. Make yourself and others happy. Why not?

What are you going to lose anyways? 

If you stay in the unhappy, you stand to waste your whole life. That’s what. You gain nothing by being bothered by what happens in the events of life. Things are going to happen however they happen anyways. Even though you get upset and worked up over it, it doesn’t change the world. Life simply goes on. And if you do not go on, if you choose to get stuck in what is making you miserable, all that happens is that you suffer. Instead of feeling bad by focusing on all the things that are going wrong, look for what is going right in spite of that. Look for what you do have that make you feel grateful or lucky, so you naturally feel good.

So look at it this way, why shouldn’t you be happy?

Why shouldn’t you enjoy your life’s experiences in a way that makes you happy and adds value to your life?

If you are going to have to go through something, you may as well find your own way to go through it happily and enjoy it.

Even mistakes need not be as painful, even failures not as terrible, if you enjoyed the journey. They can become beautiful ooops!

You are always going to be bothered by something if you let it.

So let it.

Do something about it.

Then let it go. 

And go be free to be.


Surround Yourself With Love


Make Sense Not Nonsense