Make Sense Not Nonsense
real relationships Joyce Star Tan real relationships Joyce Star Tan

Make Sense Not Nonsense

We should share what we know in a way that help others make sense of things or see sense, not create more nonsense. Common sense and consideration for others based on the science and factual information we have will go a long way in making a situation better.

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Respond Gently Not React Angrily
empower you Joyce Star Tan empower you Joyce Star Tan

Respond Gently Not React Angrily

We can turn #badshit into #goodshitwemakehappen if only we #respond from a place of #kindness and #love, not #react in #anger. We should all strive to master such #goodcommunication skills and continue #speakingfromtheheart. A #gentle answer turns away #anger.

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