I Am
I am my own self.
I need to own my self.
It’s my life.
I am willing to take ownership.
I am willing to take the time to figure out what my preferences and my boundaries are.
I am willing to figure out what I stand for so I can stand in my own power.
It may scare some people, but I should not let their fear make me afraid of my own power.
Everything that is here in me and here in life is intended to be here. That means there is a purpose for me and I have many purposes in life. It is all in the right here, right now.
I am the miracle of life.
I am born as a pure being. My soul is the essence of who I am. I need to remember to take care of my physical body and keep it in good health because my body is the home for my soul to live in human form while it is alive on earth. It yearns to come more alive and grow. My soul is where my dreams, my wishes and desires live.
I am born whole, with pureness in my heart and love to give, which brings joy to others. How I express my soul and show my heart to others are my gifts. My gifts are the medicine that will help heal the pains of the world.
I need to silence the voices of the world to listen to my inner voice so that I can tap into what is in my heart to speak my truth.
They say it takes a village to raise a child. Back then, it was the tribal village based on elders with simple core values designed to build character. Now it is a global village that has replaced needs with wants and telling us we need what we don’t need, and to not want what we need, and that breaks us down as human beings and we break down as a society because of it.
So I need to drown out the noise of the global village of media, music, video games, advertising, economic and political agendas, and not look at what the material world say is the way to be.
Instead of letting those marketing messages tell me that I am not enough. These messages prey on your insecurities and your fears and say “Buy me! Buy me!” because here is the problem with you and i am the solution. So we buy this and buy that, do this or do that, to be this or be that, jerked around like puppets and pawns on a chess board.
I am not going to allow such superficial ideals into my consciousness and letting consumer society raise me. I am going to raise my consciousness to a higher level and question who I want to be for myself.
I am going to ask myself:
“Do I really need this or that?”
“Am I going to live life burdened by trying to make a living to make money to spend so I need to make more money to spend so I can own meaningless things?
Or do I want to live my life free and make a meaningful life for myself by owning my actions and my self instead?”
I am enough. I need to know I am worthy and stop listening to those disempowering loud voices drowning out the whispers of love and listen to my own powerful quiet sense of self.
It is hard to do when my friends and all those around me are being told the same disempowering messages, by our well meaning parents, or the sensationalist media or the agenda driven political government, or conformist society. And I want to fit in and be like everyone else because I want to be liked.
But when I try to fit in, I find myself lost in the crowd. I am told to not rock the boat, yet I am told to grow up to be a mover and shaker. To keep my head down and just get on with it, yet to be successful in life I am to stand up for myself and others and stand out. These conflicting messages are so conflicting.
Yet it is so clear which message works out better, for life to be better for me.
Instead of looking around at everybody else, I am to look at my self.
I am here to go on my own journey.
Just as everyone is here for their own journey. And while I can make something of myself, I cannot make anyone be somebody else with my expectations of who they should be.
I am to walk through life awake, eyes wide open to be aware of what is going on, even if other people are closing their eyes blind or asleep at the wheel while speeding through life.
I am to know that it is ok to not always get it right and that sometimes I will get it wrong. When I make mistakes, I learn. I step outside the situation or even leave the room if i need some space, to feel all the feelings that I need to feel.
I am aware that there is no such thing as the right way of doing something. Right is whatever is right in that moment based on observing what is actually happening in the present moment. And not contrive a situation to the expectations of what society tells us is supposed to happen.
And if anybody asks me what I am going to be when I grow up? I’ll tell them I don’t even know who I am right now. But I am trying to be kind, loving, fun, fulfilled. And hopefully when I grow up, I will be that and a lot more.
I am to clean up areas of my consciousness that are not serving me and making my life better. I am to choose to be a better version of myself for me.
Who I am evolves when my spirit evolves.
I am to grow my light, not my shadows.
And if my shadows should be more than I care for to have, I am to look into the mirror and reflect. I face my shadows and acknowledge each and every one of them. Then I shine my light on them. Sometimes my light burns bright as a spotlight and snuffs those shadows out. Sometimes, my light is like a candle’s flickering flame. Some shadows linger. I let them be til they gently fade away.
And when my light inside me grows from a soft glow and bursts out of me like the rays of the bright sun, I can cast the darkness into the night, bring things into the light of day and shine my light into the world for the world to be able to see. To see who I am. To see who you are. For me to find me. For you to find you. For us to find each other.
The point of being alive is to come alive.
I am alive.
I come alive as i grow. Til the day my soul can fly free from my physical body in my last living breath here on earth, i allow my soul to be my guide and take me to places i have not been before, to live free in me and let my spirit soar beyond me to take me to great heights, to let me live a great life.
A life where i have the skills to navigate social interactions. To communicate with others. To appreciate and respect other cultures, differences, perspectives in a way that leads to more understanding, not conflict.
To celebrate the human spirit.
To form human connections.
To be human. To be kind.
To be at one with humankind.
To be at one with me.
To be me.
I am.