Choose Your Own Adventure


When we are young, we ask so many questions:
Why is the sky so high?
Why is the sky so blue?
Why do birds fly?

Then we grow up and ask other mysteries of life like:
WHO am I? HOW do I find true love?
Now WHERE did I put my phone?

I’ll tell you why.

Because in this choose your own adventure of life that is like an elaborate labyrinth, you have so many possibilities, infinite alternate realities to your life. At each crossroad, you have to make a choice. Each path takes you on a different journey, different experience. Some paths will lead to dead ends, some up and down the snakes and ladder of life. which is so frustrating when you find yourself in a place where you do not wish to be.

Good news is, even after you’ve made the choice to go right or left, all the potential you have in you still exists. So you can always choose different. We all have an inner compass to guide our way. Call it your gut feel, intuition, your sixth sense, a whispering voice, a feeling in your heart, a mind blowing A-HA moment... you have an internal guide that knows right from wrong, what works for you. Just just need to be still, be quiet, to listen.  

We are all born with a beautiful soul. We are all born whole. Then we grow up, grow old and let the flaws of the world crack our being. We feel broken. Hurt. Angry. Confused. Unloved. So we turn dark.

The thing is, when there is a crack, it lets the light in. While we feel broken, our soul is not. It is still whole. We just need to understand the difference, and find our way back into the light.

If you can choose to be anything in the world, be kind. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others also. Think of what the world can be, a vision of the one you see. Change your view of things in the world, and the things in your life will change.

If you wanna know how your life is gonna turn out, you just have to know where you are heading. You just gotta decide WHO you are going to be and know WHERE you are going by setting life goals and working towards them. You can make a plan to take the action steps that you need to get there. You get to decide where you want to go and how you are going to get there.

It’s your life. It’s your journey. Follow your inner compass, find out what works for you. Like you would use a map to figure out how to get places. A map doesn’t tell you where to go. It tells you where you can go. There are many paths you can choose in life. In order to figure out HOW to make sense of it, you need to know what’s real, what really matters in life. It starts with you. YOU matter. Your thoughts matter. Your actions matter. Your thoughts determine your actions. Every act has an impact on the world.

Since we’re all different, self-awareness is the key to reaching our goals and mastering our habits. when you understand yourself, you can do what works for you. You can change your own life. Find your truth. Be your real self. And be real to others too. When you make a habit of trying to understand others and their needs, you will help them with what works for them. You can change their lives.

You don’t need to fit in with everybody else. You don’t need to stay the same. You can be different. You can make a difference. You can just be.


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